The campaign aims to clean townships, rural areas, and informal settlements of illegal dumping sites and litter and improve general hygiene. It was launched in Sebokeng led by the EFF leader Julius Malema together with EFF Members of Parliament, Members of Provincial...
Waste solutions:
Redressing unequal and inadequate waste removal
South Africa’s informal settlements often have little or no waste removal services. This is in large part because of the history of apartheid spatial planning, but also because of rapid urbanisation, poor planning, a lack of funds and capacity in municipalities, and the inability of garbage trucks to reach some areas in informal settlements. Some informal settlements get no services at all because they are not recognised.
Because many informal areas are not serviced, and many formal areas are under-serviced because of back-yarding and high-density, residents often do not have access to wheelie bins. Instead, they must buy plastic bags and leave them outside their homes for collection. Plastic bags not only cost money, and the environment, but left outside, they can also be torn up by dogs and attract rodents and bad smells.
To add to this, informal settlements often become dumping grounds for waste from other places.